Question Can you populate a Datagrid without binding


Feb 21, 2008
Programming Experience
We are rewriting an old VB6 application. There are probably 50 forms with sheridan grids. In most cases, we populate the grids with the "AddItem" method. The only examples I've found out there using the VB.Net datagrid, perceives using binding. Furthermore, the only examples I've found perceive using SQLClient for sequel server.

We are required to be database independent and use DB native drivers for Oracle and DB2. We will probably use ODBC when connecting to an Access database.

Also, most examples I've found perceive a web based application. We want to remain a desktop application using VB.Net.

Anyone have any simple code examples to manipulate a Datagrid in VB.Net along the lines of the old Sheridan grid methods? Not bloody likely. But it never hurts to ask.
Use DataGridView control. DataGrid control is for .Net 1 mostly. As received when you look up "datagrid" in help:
The DataGridView control replaces and adds functionality to the DataGrid control; however, the DataGrid control is retained for both backward compatibility and future use, if you choose.