Question Can someone explain how to split?


New member
Aug 10, 2015
Programming Experience
Hello guys, girls,

I am quite new to VB.NET, the Microsoft book explains how to do Splitting.
But I still don't get it. For example:

I got a TextBox named NumbersContainer, in which I can input three numbers divided by a " , "
So the input is 333,444,555 for example.
Now I wish to split the data on the " , "
so I get


How can I do this?
( I believe they call it into an array? )

Now Next I got a Radiogroup, and selectedindex Box.
The group and box both contain a "Selected case" then + or - or * or /

For example I need it to do 333*444/555
And the output into another textbox that equals the Result.

Can someone point me in the right direction? ( maybe a link of an external website )? :)

Kind regards,

There is a .pdf book available that explains 'splitting and joining' in great detail. written for beginners it is easy to read and understand. The full title is Visual Basic .NET for complete beginners by Ken Carney. I can fully recommend this.
Thank you, much appriciated!
It now works on splitting, now I need to get the data and assign it to the ResultBox.
How can I select the Data on the First array, second, and third array?
Found it, forgot the .text

Thanks for the help!
Much appriciated and very helpful.
Way better then windows book ;>
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