Can I rename a column?


Well-known member
May 4, 2006
Programming Experience
I created datagrid coulmns by doing this:

dt.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("people", GetType(String)))

In this case, there is a column that shows up with the name "people". There is a button on the form, and when I click it, I need the name in the column to change from "people" to "places". I understand how you can create a column and make its name. But, is it possible to change the name of a column while the program is running? I cant figure it out.
Why would the same column contain data for those two seemingly quite different things? You can set the ColumnName property but it sounds to me like you might need to reconsider your design.
The columns are actually numbered, and then I want them to display the date once they are used. Is this very easy to do? Thanks, Ian