Can i rebuild solution outside a running program?

Do you mean can you build and run you program when it's already running. You would need to copy the exe and supporting files out of the \bin folder to a new location and run it from there, then you can rebuilt and run it to compare the two side by side.

Or am I answering this the wrong way?
I mean, rebuild the project solution in a running program. i can rebuild the solution even my project solution is not open. if can put some a button inside the program and run the exe, thru the exe i will click the button to rebuild the solution even the project explorer is not open.> is that possible?

thank you..
You can use the IDE devenv.exe also as commandline builder, when VS is installed in client system of course. Another option is the .Net builder tool msbuild.exe, this can be run by all .Net clients. Then there is the vbc.exe compile tools, more complicated. Relevant help pages:
Hi, still i cant get correct. im using VS 2008 and trying to use the devenv and msbuild. i created .bat file and code inside

devenv "D:\inventory\inventory.sln" /build Debug

its not working, even msbuild.

Please help me!!!!!!

devenv "D:\inventory\inventory.sln" /build Debug

its not working, even msbuild.
I'm guessing they work just fine on your machine too, but that the problem is you can't run them because you don't know where they are.

You have to use the full path to devenv.exe or msbuild.exe. Devenv is in the VS application folder, msbuild is in the .Net folder in Windows subdir. You can also use search facility in Windows Explorer. Defaults:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe
Msbuild is recommended. Devenv may not be present, for Express you can use vbexpress.exe instead, in same IDE path.

Depending on your version you can also use the Visual Studio Command Prompt that has the appropriate environment variables set.
Thank you MR. i build it correctly, i created a .bat file and coded the correct path. i really appreciate your help.. thank you!!!!