Calling a .NET component from VB6


New member
Jan 16, 2007
Programming Experience

I'm new to VB.NET programming and am attempting to create a .NET class that I can call from a VB6 program.

I've created a .NET class and a VB6 calling program and have been able to successfully call the .NET class from the VB6 program when I run it locally on my machine.

I've installed the .NET framework on a Windows server and have registered the .NET class using the following command:

regasm C:\VBNET\DEVELOPMENT\InvAdmissionsCOM\InvAdmissions\InvAdmissions\bin\Debug\InvAdmissions.dll /tlb: C:\VBNET\DEVELOPMENT\InvAdmissionsCOM\InvAdmissions\InvAdmissions\bin\Debug\InvAdmissions.tlb

This seems to register the file succesfully.

I then try to reference this from my VB6 application. I can browse and see the InvAdmission.tlb file on the .NET server, but when I try to replace the existing local InvAdmissions.tlb reference with a reference to the InvAdmissions.tlb file on the .NET server, it doesn't allow it - it doesn't give an error message, but it doesn't add InvAdmissions to the list of referenced files.

Is there something else I need to do to allow me to reference the file that sits remotely on the .NET server?
