Calender to a textbox


Sep 10, 2010
Programming Experience
Im sorry if this is a stupid request but I cant find any information or at least any usefull information on this.

I have a database program just now that requires information to be stored in a database.

Right now I have the users entering dates manually, and I would like to have a small image that they click to bring up a calender, select the date which will then be automatically entered into a textbox. The calender must be able to go back in time as well as forward.

Im fairly new to VB but have experiance in Java. Would somebody be able to either provide me with the code or at least a walkthrough how do it.

Many thanks in advance

Thread moved to the Window Forms subforum

There's a DateTimePicker control that you can use (Works like a ComboBox) to allow the user to select a date and when you want to store that date somewhere, you use it's .Value property to get a DateTime object.