Calendar, Date and Time


Well-known member
Nov 19, 2005
Programming Experience
I have to create a chat project. I am working on chat admin page.

I have to be able to let the user use the calendar to select the date from the calendar and also user will select the time to schedule a chat. This is quiet similar to the outlook calendar scheduling. with the start time and end time.

How would i do this. Also how would i populate the time in the drop down list box with am and pm? Is this something that i have to have the data in the database? This is my first time.

Could somebody please guide me through this? I would sincerely appreciate your help.

Have you considered the scope of your question? Its rather large! If you want some good tutorials about database access in .NET 2.0 then you can read the link in my signature, called DataWalkthroughs 2.0