Dim Summary As New ArrayList()
' Map the array list to the SummaryColumns property of your DataGrid control.
SummaryCols = Summary
' Set the foreground color and the background color for the footer row.
'dg.FooterColor = Brushes.Brown
'dg.FooterFontColor = Brushes.White
' Bind the DataGrid control to the related data.
MyDataTable = db.DataSet11.Tables(0)
'MyDataTable = ds.Tables(0)
MyDataTable.Columns.Add("ID", System.Type.GetType("System.Boolean"))
MyDataTable.Columns("ID").DefaultValue = True
MyDataTable.Columns("ID").ColumnMapping = MappingType.Hidden
Dim data1(2) As Double
Dim im As Integer
im = 0
' Calculate the value for each cell in the footer.
Dim MyArray(2) As String
Dim MyString As String
For Each MyString In SummaryCols
MyArray = MyString.Split(","c)
data1(im) = (MyDataTable.Compute(MyArray(1), "ID is null"))
im = im + 1
InvoiceAmount.Text = (data1(0)).ToString()
VatAmount.Text = (data1(1)).ToString()
InvoiceVatAmount.Text = (data1(1)).ToString()
Dim totalv As Double
Dim totals As String
totalv = data1(0) + data1(1)
InvoiceTotalAmount.Text = totalv.ToString()
This code generate sub-total when i click twice in check box of datagrid twice. How to make it autometically