c# environment


New member
Mar 6, 2007
Programming Experience
Hi there,

I have a bit of a unique problem I have 2 pc's that both have VS.net 2003 on them with .net framework of v1.1.4322. I can't seem to find anywhere on internet that someone else is having the same issue. The same c# web project are on both pc's which are identical but on one pc as soon as you hit the button on this web form it executes the Click procedure but on my other pc when I do the same thing, it dosen't even access click procedure, i've placed a break point in there but it dosen't even hit that, it's like the button is ignoring action of click. Please could someone help, as I don't know how the VS.net installs itself and possibly what dll if it is that is causing this problem.

Maybe it does do the procedure, but its not hitting the breakpoint because it is set to release mode
Hi - Thankyou for your reply.

I have checked that it is in Debug mode not in the release mode. I've even placed a breakpoint on page load as well as the Click procedure but it dosen't hit that break point neither but it works correctly on my other pc.
You should take this enquiry to a C# forum, even if the Visual Studio IDE is the same VB.Net and C# use different compilers. Also if it was a code issue we could not help you with C# code here at this site, but it doesn't sound as it is the code that is wrong. You could try clearing the build output folders and recompile.
when you put the breakpoint then run the app, how does the breakpoint appear?
is it a solid red dot, or is it a hollow red circle, with a yellow triangle next to it?
Hi - thankyou so much for your replies.

John - I didn't really know were to place the topic because its such a unique problem and I haven't come across this before and it dosen't seem that anyone else has. How do i remove the output area, where can i find that.

cjurd - The breakpoint is red and if the application hits the breakpoint it should highlight yellow but its not even rendering the code.

Yes, but we really don't do C# at all anywhere at this site. You are currently talking at VB.Net Forums - The Exclusive Visual Basic .Net Community. Check up on your project Build settings, that's where you set which folders to output to.
cjurd - The breakpoint is red and if the application hits the breakpoint it should highlight yellow but its not even rendering the code.

Yep.. at design time my breakpoints are red too, but if I run it, sometimes they go hollow and a warning shows that the breakpoint wont be hit because no debug symbols have been loaded. Thats what I was getting at..