Browsing local disks


May 30, 2005
Programming Experience
I'm new to VB.Net and i'm trying to write a project that allows the user to browse the local disks for image files.

Basically I want to be able to browse the disk and display the file structure in a list box and then when the user clicks on a file it is loaded into picturebox.

I'm not looking for code samples as I want to write this myself, just a few pointers as to how I'd go about, fo example what controls I'd need to use for the browsing of the disk.

Thanks in advance.
Can the OpenFileDialog control be used to populate a list box on a form, or does it just display the Open file dialoge box ?

Excuse my lack of understanding in this :eek:
i've been told that you don't wan't any code so i just gave you a pointer ... for example what controls you'd need to use for the browsing of the disk. JK :D

Ok, you can use this control to populate ListBox ... just pass .fileName property of the OpenFileDialog to variable
Dim files as String = OpenFileDialog1.FileName


Cheers ;)

btw, feel free to ask for more assistence if you need that ... maybe we could make even a demo on this ... :)
Thanks for the help Kulrom :)

Maybe I need more help than I realise or like to admit, hopefully this will get me well on the way to completeing this exercise I set for myself.

.....but I will more than likely be back for more advice :D