bind binding navigator to datagridview


Well-known member
Feb 1, 2010
Programming Experience
My form is having 2 datagridview's, say DataGridView_Projects and DataGridView_Leaves. The problem is i want 2 binding navigators below of each gridview corresponding to that particular gridview. How to achieve this?

What is a BindingNavigator? It's a user interface for a BindingSource. Two grids and two BindingNavigators means two BindingSources, associated with the navigators and bound to the grids.
in my form there are two datagrids side by side and two binding navigators. i want binding navigators below each datagrid view. but i was not able to do it means i gave the position of binding navigatorr as bottom. Is there any way to reduce the width of binding navigator?
in my form there are two datagrids side by side and two binding navigators. i want binding navigators below each datagrid view. but i was not able to do it means i gave the position of binding navigatorr as bottom. Is there any way to reduce the width of binding navigator?

The BindingNavigator is a specialised ToolStrip, so they dock to the edges of their container by default. You can undock them by changing their Dock property to None, but I'd probably recommend against that. I'd suggest adding a Panel to the form and then adding the grid and the navigator to that. You can then dock the navigator to the bottom and have the grid fill the rest.