Question Best Option for Syntax-Coloring TextBox?


New member
Feb 19, 2009
Programming Experience
Hey, I would like to make a "component" for fun which is just a simple syntax-component... The goal being that it will be a textbox ( with a line-number display on the side ) and will color certain words and all of that jazz...

The reason I want to make this is mainly for fun and I need to learn how to use VB.NET ( Even though I personally despise it ).

I can already tell trying to modify components is practically impossible, as well as realizing that richtextbox won't be able to do anything I want to do even slightly efficiently ( To color text, i HAVE to select it - refresh screen - select color - refresh screen - for everything I want to color... That's ridiculous ).

So... My Question is what do you think I should do to try and achieve the ability to have an application that will have a textbox able to syntax color on runtime quickly ( Needs to be able to syntax / render AT LEAST 300-500 lines of code in < 200ms ).

If I'm not specific enough or anything, please post about what you don't understand and I will answer it...

Thanks for your time,