Barcode reader?


Active member
Dec 12, 2011
Programming Experience
I would like to do the application that accept the reading from Barcode scanner. What barcode scanner I should use? And, can support on that and work well?

Appreciate your help.
I have barcode scanner, that is quite configurable. It reads a barcode then writes it into Windows and hits enter. This way your program could have a textbox focused and a barcode scanner to scan for the barcode, and once it hits enter barcode is scanned. I think all barcode scanners, that will write the barcode into Windows (just like, SendKeys.Send style) would work for you.
Thanks all, I would buy any barcode scanner soon, and will try. I think will have many questions to ask again and will disturb you all again, thank you very much.
But I have the cargoes that has barcode,I don't need to use barcode scanner to read my cargoes?