Bandwidth Throttling - Detecting network usage...


VB.NET Forum Admin
Jun 3, 2004
Programming Experience
I've seen applications such as the MSDN download utility, InstallShields update system, etc. that can detect if you are using your bandwidth and therefore slow down the download in which it is doing. For example, start a MSDN download and notice the download rate, then start surfing the net or download from another site and watch the MSDN download rate slow. These applications are detecting your network activity and therefore slowing down their process such as to prevent interfering with your active net experience.

I'm building background download processing for a software update utility and would like to do the same. I'd like to have the downloads perform in the background but also not affect web service calls, other network downloads, and even resume downloads if the application is closed. I have code to do that, but as far as the throttling system, anyone have any information on doing this?