Hi Guys
I have automate ssh to Linux box using vbs script (to log in and execute commands)
but i need to make a tool which edit the vbs values and execute it
Brief :
vbs script :
as you can see it is first run plink.exe (ssh client) with specific User name & password
and load specific commands to execute on Linux box from UNIX_commands.txt which located in same directory
UNIX_commands.txt :
if you can help me & I appreciate that really
I need a tool in vb.net to edit the (user name ,password and ip if needed)
then execute the vbs script & edit the mac address (00:11:22:22:33:33) in UNIX_commands.txt
Thank you
I have automate ssh to Linux box using vbs script (to log in and execute commands)
but i need to make a tool which edit the vbs values and execute it
Brief :
vbs script :
set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") WshShell.Run "plink.exe -v -ssh ubnt@ -pw ubnt -m UNIX_commands.txt" WScript.Sleep 2000 WshShell.AppActivate " - PuTTY" WshShell.SendKeys "conf term{ENTER}"
as you can see it is first run plink.exe (ssh client) with specific User name & password
and load specific commands to execute on Linux box from UNIX_commands.txt which located in same directory
UNIX_commands.txt :
echo "ifconfig br0 down; ifconfig wifi0 down; ifconfig wifi0 hw ether 00:11:22:22:33:33; ifconfig wifi0 up; ifconfig eth0 down; ifconfig eth0 hw ether 00:11:22:22:33:33; ifconfig eth0 up;ifconfig br0 up" > /etc/persistent/rc.prestart cfgmtd -w -p /etc/ reboot
if you can help me & I appreciate that really
I need a tool in vb.net to edit the (user name ,password and ip if needed)
then execute the vbs script & edit the mac address (00:11:22:22:33:33) in UNIX_commands.txt
Thank you