[ask]MDI parent form ?


Sep 27, 2005
Programming Experience
[resolved]MDI parent form ?

I'd like to ask, how to change the background picture of the mdi parent form at runtime ?, and the picture is taken from a picture file. Thx before
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Ok well you will want to do it in a meny option rather than have a button on the form. In the menu event you can try something like this

Form1.ActiveForm.BackGroundImage = YourImage
if the image isnt going to change (or all the images are the same size) you could easily just add an ImageList to the MDI Parent form and in the load event or whereever the form's background image needs to be set/changes

just use Me.Backgroundimage = ImageList1.Images(0) 'where the 0 is enter the index number of the image you need

also in the ImageList be sure to set the ImageSize property to the size of the image otherwise it will "scruntch" it

i've provided a little project in case you need to see it :)