Question appname.exe.config


VB.NET Forum Moderator
Staff member
Jun 3, 2004
Lansing, MI; USA
Programming Experience
What's the purpose of this file? I opened it in Notepad and noticed that one of the things stored in it is the connection strings to my access databases (my *.xsd file uses those connstrings) However, when I delete the *.exe.config file, the app still has the correct connection strings (pass words included) so, what the heck this the *.exe.config file event for? The info's compiled in the *.exe file anyways...
What's the purpose of this file? I opened it in Notepad and noticed that one of the things stored in it is the connection strings to my access databases (my *.xsd file uses those connstrings) However, when I delete the *.exe.config file, the app still has the correct connection strings (pass words included) so, what the heck this the *.exe.config file event for? The info's compiled in the *.exe file anyways...
The default info for the connection string is compiled into the app, yes. Now what do you do if you deploy the app and you want it to point to a different database? With a config file you simply edit the XML by hand and the app will use the new value automatically.
So if the *.exe.config is present it'll read those values, otherwise it uses what's compiled internally already?