Question Application too slow


Well-known member
May 11, 2009
Programming Experience
I have been developing an application using Visual Studio/VB and access 07 for my db. On the system I am developing my app. the db is local and the speed of the application is very good when I debug it. As I publish my application the db goes on a network server and the application is installed/used by 5-6 pc. The speed of the program drops alot as time passes and as is used, speed goes even more down. My problem is that I do not know what is making this change. Is it the server fault, the other pc, the many users, the lack of garbage collector ( other than the one vb does alone ), the existense of the db on the server? Based on the information I give does anyone has a tip on how to increase speed. I dont know how to begun to start fixing it as I do not know where the problem resides. One example of poor performance is the search I do on the program. For the first search I do they are ok then the more I make the slower they get. Thanks for the replies. I need urgent help on that as I am trying to resolve this for 2 months now with zero change.

ps. Will a change to MySQL from access increase speed dramatically? My records do not exceed 3000 on any given table

Make sure that you are closing database connections properly.

I think it is always better to use Sql Server or MySql instead of MS Access.
There is a free edition of Sql Server which is Sql Server Express Edition and can be downloaded from SQL Server 2008 Express Edition

Hope that will help you

thanks for the replies guys. Tried the profiler and I could not understand the results and how it worked. As for closing the database connections properly what do you mean by that? I use the usual conn.close(). Is there more to it than this? Thanks again. Any other more easy profiler?
The results from the profiler show me that in my apps functions run taking 3-5 ms up to 100-130 ms. I do not think that is alot. The problem is that as my application runs smoothly on my pc on other, equivalent power/speed, computers it does not work nothing like my system. The slowness is almost the same no matter the speed of the system. Meaning that the computers I have tested it on did not have great differences between them. Some had XP others Vista. I am clueless how to continue and improve performance. I am thinking of dropping vb all together. Please someone out there with some answers or similar problems.
Well there certainly are many possibilities that could cause the problem and without having access to the actual project it is hard to say. One thing I can say is that no matter what language you pick to program in, you could have the same results if the coding structure is poor.

A few possibilities,
Transmission of data being sent to a server is being choked off somewhere
Database is growing abnormally large while in use

But I do agree with the above posts that if it works fine at the begining of each time the program is started and slows as it goes it is not releasing objects somewhere and building up in memory.

If you can post some of your coding of the trouble spots, perhaps we can offer more advice at that point.