Question Performance vs. ADO


New member
Jul 8, 2009
Programming Experience
Hi all,
I am new to here and
I am just started to convert my vb6 app to
In my application, there is table with more than 5,00,000 records.
I need to load all this records once ...and for this, my vb6 application with ado 2.6 takes almost 10 sec. to load data. and for the same my takes almost 30+ sec.

i am t using data table and filled using a dataadaper thats all.
how can i able to speed up this
sorry for my bad English :(:

Thanks all
This is a test case i have created . My actual appliaction may have upto
100000 records.
it is a medicine data base. There are thousands of medicines and each medicine may manufacured by hundreads of manufactures.

So if the user select all products of all manufacures, the number of records may more than 100000. My Current application displaying this with in 10 sec.

Sure am glad I don't have to use that program. What use is a grid with 100,000 entries? Am I gonna scroll the whole lot and look for the item I want? No..
no .. the list will not always populate 100000 records.
i have provided two combos.. first one to select the medicine and the secod one is for manufacturer. All this two combos have an element captioned "<All> ".
so . some users may select both combos with value <All> ,then select the seach button.

As i already discussed, its working fine in vb6 with ADO. and what i am wondering is ,why it is not in vb.Net. AFIK, must have better performance than ADO. right ?. Since i am new to ADO.Net , i need to clarify the performance lag is due to my coding style or not, and need to know how i can able to get the maximum performance... atleast upto ADO can deliver.

Thanks & regards.
And really, what are they then going to do with all 100,000 records downloaded when both are set to <All> ?

We had the same problem about 3 years ago witha manager at work who wanted to be able to download all 70 million transactions records into a grid and just scroll up and down them. Why? Because he wanted to look at them. And maybe sort them so he could find the one he wanted. This is where the deverlopers step in and say "don't be so silly - we're not going to code that. you'll use the search function like everyone else"