Adding Files/Folders to a form project


Oct 21, 2005
Programming Experience
I'm creating a form that copies and overwrites a folder and files. The folders and files will be included with the app so I need to know how to add them to the project to be included in compiling.
Any help would be great
This is a deployment issue so I have moved the thread.

Note that you haven't specified which IDE you are using and things may be different. Unless you wan to just copy your app to another machine, complete with these files and folders, then you need to create a setup project. You can add whatever files you like to a setup project and you can have the installer create whatever folders you like. This assumes that your IDE supports Setup projects. If you're using VB 2005 Express then it only supports ClickOnce deployment. I'm not completely sure what capabilities ClickOnce has in that regard, although I'm sure it is a bit different.
If you have a setup project added:

Double click on the Primary output from your setup project in the solution explorer window.
That will open up the file system for the setup project.
Highlight the application folder, right click in the right hand window and sellect ADD => FOLDER.
Rename it to whatever you require.

See also:

Hope that helps...