Question Added controls are acting strangely


Well-known member
Oct 19, 2011
Programming Experience
Hi to all

I have a working application to which I added two controls; a checkbox and a textbox. The checkbox seems to not be "sensed" by the Windows form processor. When the cursor is placed over the box the spinning wheel continues. If I placed the cursor over any other control on the form the spinning wheel changes to the expected arrow. Program flow does not stop at the textbox to allow user input focus is changed to the control. I have checked the properties on both controls a number of times and they are identical to the other checkboxes and textboxes respectively. Is their "existence" not being communicated to the form_load event properly? Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

Gordon Haas
It's got nothing to do with the Load event regardless. It sounds like some code is being executed when you mouse over the control, whether your own code or some corrupt system code. I'd get rid of them and try again.
Program flow should NOT stop at the textbox to allow user input, there should be no program flow to begin with if there is nothing to do. The fact that you see a waiting wheel means the application is already busy doing something, what exactly?
It's got nothing to do with the Load event regardless. It sounds like some code is being executed when you mouse over the control, whether your own code or some corrupt system code. I'd get rid of them and try again.

I took your advice and changed the design to a simple textbox; deleted the other two controls and added the new textbox. This modification is now working - but there is still some nuance in the Windows Forms "machine" that is creating that "spinning wheel" - I know it means busy I just want to know what the busy is now. Thanks for your help.

Gordon Haas
Can you confirm that the Cursor property of that control hasn't been changed to something that it shouldn't?

When I created the controls I accepted the default "definition" which is "default". This is the flavor of the cursor property in the controls that convert the "spinning wheel" to an arrow when the cursor is moved over them? But now that you mention that concept I am doing a me.cursor = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.Default in a number of places but in one place the definition changes to me.cursor = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.WaitCursor. I inherited this code which was a vb6 construct and did the conversion - you may have brought me to the culprit - thanks

Gordon Haas
When I created the controls I accepted the default "definition" which is "default". This is the flavor of the cursor property in the controls that convert the "spinning wheel" to an arrow when the cursor is moved over them? But now that you mention that concept I am doing a me.cursor = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.Default in a number of places but in one place the definition changes to me.cursor = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.WaitCursor. I inherited this code which was a vb6 construct and did the conversion - you may have brought me to the culprit - thanks

Gordon Haas

Just a note to inform that the "spinning wheel - wait cursor" behavior is gone. I found two instances of me.cursor = in the code and change the lines of code to me.cursor =; no more spinning wheel. Thanks to all who helped.

Gordon Haas