add to memory


Well-known member
Aug 5, 2006
Programming Experience
:) :( :D ;) :p :eek: :eek: :mad: :eek: helllo again
i have an adress book with a textbox and when i enter a name in the textbox it shows the info in a textbox2

put i want to add a button so when i add a name to a textbox it will keep it in the programm so i dont have to redue the code to add a neme
you want the ability for the user to type in a name and that name will be added to the address book and it's saved even after the program is closed (i think i got that right)?

saving info to files is easy, it just depends on what type of file (text, csv, database, xml, etc..)

personally i would use a database for this (the addressbook program i wrote a couple of months ago uses an Access DB) storing the names and info in a table

if not using a DB then i would suggest a csv file instead