I have a table with several fields.
All but 2 of the fields have a default value specified in the Table.
I was assuming that I only needed to specify the fields I want changed and I did not have to specify each field value. (Isn't That the purpose of a default value?)
If i do not specify each field I can an error saying the field can not be null.
Below is my code. Can anyone show me the erros of may ways.
All but 2 of the fields have a default value specified in the Table.
I was assuming that I only needed to specify the fields I want changed and I did not have to specify each field value. (Isn't That the purpose of a default value?)
If i do not specify each field I can an error saying the field can not be null.
Below is my code. Can anyone show me the erros of may ways.
sql = "Select [Tool Crib].* From [Tool Crib]"
m_cnToolCrib.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & PathCMDB()
m_daToolCrib = New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(sql, m_cnToolCrib)
m_cbToolCrib = New OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder(m_daToolCrib)
m_cbToolCrib.QuotePrefix = "["
m_cbToolCrib.QuoteSuffix = "]"
drNewRow("Type ID") = (TryCast(cboToolSetupAvailTools.EditValue, myItemData)).ItemData.ToString()
For Each row As CategoryRow In vgToolParameters.Rows
Dim childRows As VGridRows = row.ChildRows
For Each childRow As EditorRow In childRows
If (UCase(childRow.Properties.Caption) = "COLOR") Then
drNewRow("Color") = ColorTranslator.ToOle(childRow.Properties.Value)
drNewRow(childRow.Properties.Caption) = childRow.Properties.Value
End If
Next childRow
Next row
Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show("AddRecordToToolCrib: " & ex.Message)
End Try