Active member
I an trying to access the nodes in my xml based on the selection made in a combobox and write the text to a TabControl/TabPages, the area i am struggling with is "TabControl1.TabPages(i).Text = myMachineName.Attributes.ItemOf("Page").InnerText" so based on the code below how would i get the information out
I can get it to display the Machine Type by using
But i just cant seem to grasp the Page Number
I an trying to access the nodes in my xml based on the selection made in a combobox and write the text to a TabControl/TabPages, the area i am struggling with is "TabControl1.TabPages(i).Text = myMachineName.Attributes.ItemOf("Page").InnerText" so based on the code below how would i get the information out
I can get it to display the Machine Type by using
TabControl1.TabPages(i).Text = mySet.Attributes.ItemOf("Type").InnerText
Public Sub ComboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ComboBox1.SelectedIndexChanged
Dim NodeCount As Integer
For Each mySet As XmlNode In myXMLDoc.GetElementsByTagName("Machine")
If mySet.Attributes.ItemOf("Type").InnerText = ComboBox1.SelectedItem.ToString Then
For Each myMachineName As XmlNode In mySet.SelectNodes("Page")
NodeCount = 1
For i = 0 To 19
TabControl1.TabPages(i).Text = myMachineName.Attributes.ItemOf("Page").InnerText
End If
End Sub
<Machine Type="A Machine">
<Page Number="Page 1, Machine A">
<Page Number="Page 2, Machine A">
<Page Number="Page 3, Machine A">
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