i am using .net 1.1 and when i create a form, build it, and f5 run it, i come back into the visual studio and when i double-click on form1 in the solution explorer it gives me the properties of a new blank form instead of the one i was designing, and had already changed values for in the properties dialog. how do i 'save' my form and code to match so that when i alter code or controls on the form and then go into the solution explorer it is still the same form with all the changes i made to it, instead of a new blank form? i am an absolute beginner at vb.net. i don't even know vb6. the last time i did any programming was on standard basic, even before structured programming came about, so object-oriented is very new to me and difficult to understand. also i am in iraq, and have noone to ask except this forum. all help is sincerely appreciated. accolade.