accessing a data table from all forms


Well-known member
Jul 2, 2004
Programming Experience
I want to create a Call statement in 16 different forms. The Call would be to calculate a value from a database. As the using goes through the 16 forms, the calculated value wwill change. Instead of duplicating the database in each of the 16 forms (using the OleDbDataAdapter.fill(dataset)) in each form, I tried placing the created dataset in a module, hoping that the dataset could be access by each of the Call statements. But it doesn't work.

I would appreciate any direction I could go and work this out.


Thanks for the push

Thank you for the push.

I solved it this. I put into a module the array I created to hold the 2 fields from a data set. I put the function into a module also. Thats the calculation I had used in the last page of the application. Now that's in a module, I am able to access it with a CALL command from the 18 indivisual pages of the application.

I am not very literate with .net yet. What I described above isn't very good .Net lanquage, so I hope you can follow my words.

I do very much appreciate your words. They were motivating to me.

Thank you

John M

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