Access vs VB.NET


New member
May 10, 2007
Programming Experience

Forgive me if I am posting this in a wrong area.

We have a decent size Access application(<100 users ,many servers,may clients) that is linked with SQL Server(.adp).We are expecting this to raise to more than 500 users.I am wondering what is the path to take or Access Forms(cost of developemnt,time of development,flexibility,scalability,deployment . . .)?

Any ideas ,thoughts or opinions are highly appreciated.

Once gain thank you.
.NET will be slower to develop if you have no .NET skilled programmers, but a better platform for the future. I'm currently looking at a project to rewrite a CRM system that uses Access and Oracle, in .NET and Oracle. I'm not looking forward to it, to be honest.. Mainly because I can just see that the spec will be "Replicate that, in VB.NET. You have 3 weeks. Go"
Thank you "cjard" for sharing your opinion and I 100% agree with you on "Slower to develop and platform for the future".
Access is VBA, kinda like... VBScript iirc. Only issue is Access is a horrible, horrible DB. It slows down if you run more than 1 query at a time, and god forbid you have multiple users connecting at once.....