Access Settings through Solution Explorer


Nov 12, 2008
Programming Experience
I am using Visual Studio 2008 and I can't seem to access settings (My.Settings) by doing the habitual right click on projet, properties then settings tab. VS 2008 does NOT have that. What should I do to access the familiar settings dialog.

All I want to do is create a My.Settings to save my label.text data. Can it be done dynamically? Otherwise, I'm screwed.
You can create the setting for your label.text without accessing the Settings tab in you project's properties.

Select the label, go to the properties and find a settings called '(Application Settings)'. Expand that node and click on the ellipses button for the (PropertyBinding) property. In the dialog that appears, find the Text property and pull down the combobox. Click new at the bottom of the combo list. In the new dialog, you can give the setting a name, Default value (which defaults to the current value of the text property of the label), and scope.

This can not be done dynamically.
And I'm sorry to hear you're screwed. Or is that a good thing?