Access problems


New member
Sep 2, 2010
Programming Experience
I'm used to VB6 and when my old computer died I had to upgrade to since I couldn't get visual studio to work on my new one. My pet project a movie registration program which was connected to AccesDB with a zillion functions does not work anymore. I have to rewrite the whole thing in and now the trouble starts.
Some of the column names in the Db had not so clever names (like Aspect Ratio etc.) .I can add the data but as soon as there is a column name which is bracketed (in the sql-field) I get a Syntax error in INSERT INTO'statement when I get to the line "objDataAdapter.Update(ds, "tblDVD")".
Any way to solve this? I thought of changing the name of the columns in Access but I don't have Access any more either which complicates the matter.

Code example:
Dim objConn As New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection(sConnection)
Dim ds As New DataSet
'Dim sql As String = "SELECT ID, Title, [Number], Genre, Country, Runtime, Rating, [Language], Subtitles, [Aspect Ratio], [Sound Mix], Color, Extras, [Video Norm], [Region Code], Discs, Format, Packaging, Studio, [THX Certified], [Closed Captioned], [Interactive Menus], [16:9 Enhanced], [Box Set], [Alternative Titles], Director, Producer, Writer, Cinematographer, Editor, Composer, [Cast], [Year] FROM tblDVD"

Dim objDataAdapter As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(Sql, sConnection)
objDataAdapter.Fill(ds, "tblDvd")
Dim cb As New OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder(objDataAdapter)

'Dim dataset1 As DataSet
Dim newDvdRow As DataRow = ds.Tables("tblDVD").NewRow()
newDvdRow("ID") = "10001"
newDvdRow("Title") = "ABC2"
etc etc......
objDataAdapter.Update(ds, "tblDVD")

Problem 2. One way to work around the problem described above is to create a new database and transfer all the data from the old one. How do I set AutoIncrement on a column?

With .Columns
.Append "ID", adInteger
.Item("ID").Properties("AutoIncrement") = True <--------------------------How do you do this in

I hope I made my self clear. It's not always easy to explain what you mean.

Read the DW2 link in my signature, section Creating a Simple Data Application
Do your data access like that says and all your problems will go away :)

Autoinc in VB.NET with access? you'll struggle because access cannot report back to VB what ID it has just assigned, unlike sql server