Access database webform - how?


New member
Apr 5, 2006
Programming Experience

I'm not sure if this is the right folder for it.

I'm working on a project, that is basically a web front end to an access database. It's going to be kept on a server. Seems pretty simple. All it will do is display and or give options to add data to a database.

Anyway, this seems simple for a normal program. But here I need to be able to do a form that a user will access via a website, and display any information needed.

How would I accomplish that? Could you give me a simple tutorial - I just need a head start. I've done it in vb before, but not as a webform. How do I set up a connection to my database? What's the code to access any data from it? Can you have it so I could run querries and reports added to my access db, with my webform?

How then do I deploy my project? I'm creating it on localhost for now, but eventually I'm going to post it on a server.

Also, I've been playing with "panel" objects, so I can group any other object. But the problem is that when I put anything in a panel, everything seems to be "stuck". Is there a way to use it, so I can freely move objects around, like with group frames?