Access and VS 2005


Active member
Nov 13, 2006
Programming Experience
Hi, I am creating a program using Visual Studio 2005 and VB, which saves a lot of information away. However where I used to use Access to save the information there is no option for me to do this in VS 2005 using Jet 4.0. I have checked online and seemed to have found out from Microsoft that Access and the Jet engine is not supported anymore and that you should now use SQL Express 2005 instead of Access. I have looked into this and am unsure about a few things. I used to just add the Access database to my program when giving it to clients and all was well. What do I do now? Where is the database? Do you need SQL Server to access or use the database? Is saving the information as XML now going to be better?
Cheers in advance.
Though Access is lame, it works fine in VB2005. I dont know what tutorials you followed but I recommend the DW2 ones in my sig...
Cheers for that, those tutorials are very good, I'm going to use SQL Server Express now instead. I've had a thought, we are using 64 bit machines in work and that's where I can't connect to the database. I tried it last night at home and manged to connect so it must be something to do with the 64 bit configuration...
Bear in mind you could also use the compact edition of sql server - different to express. Have a look at both and see which meets your needs