a problem with maximizing Forms


New member
Dec 6, 2009
Programming Experience
i have a problem that i am using a picture as background image and i am using some buttons and text boxes,and i have set Form to Maximized when project is running, but my problem is when the form maximized, the Location of button and other thing dose not change, what should i do to solve this?
Select the control, then select "Categorized" view in Properties window, in Layout section you'll find the properties related to layout. The first one's you should learn here is Dock and Anchor properties.

In Containers section of Toolbox you can find controls to help with layout of the form.
i have changed Dock and Anchor, but i does not work, for example i am using a picture in part of background image and i have added a label in front of it, the position of label is OK when it is not maximized, but when i maximize the page it does not move!
i dont know what should i do?!
The properties and controls I mentioned is the tools you have available to arrange the layout. I'm sure if you put your mind to it you'll be able to figure out a combination that will give you the dynamic layout you seek, if not you can try explaining better what you are trying to do and perhaps someone can give you further assistance with these tools.