Question 2 designers works on one project


New member
Sep 7, 2010
Programming Experience
I want to know if it's possible to make two designers work together on building one project
I want to know if it's possible to make two designers work together on building one project
What do you mean?

In general, yes, you can have more than 1 designer for working on a single project, take WPF for example. There's a WPF forms designer built into VS2010, but you can also install Expression Blend which is strictly a WPF xmal designer, you still need VS for the code behind.
If by designer you mean an actual person, then yes, you need source control tool like CVS, SVN or Git (amongst others). You setup a server that will hold every revision of the project files, and install the client on each developper's machine. Whenever they make a change, they need to commit it to the server. The other developper updates its local copy from the repository, makes his changes, and commits, etc... This way you always know who wrote what, and you can always revert specific changes in the revision history.

Revision control - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia