
  1. N

    Replace existing xml file based on version number within external xml

    I have a program that reads and saves data with an xml file. Once it is released, there is a "Check for update" button that the user will click to see if there is a new version of the xml file. The file contains the version number, ex: <Root><Version><Current>0.0001</Current></Version></Root> I...
  2. M

    IE6 Build Check

    Due to the July 13 end of life support for IE6 minus SP3, I am planning on checking the build version of the browser once logging in. I am able to return the browser major and minor versions but cannot find a way to get to the build/patch version which tells what SP the user has. Is there a way...
  3. Myoldmopar

    Question Deployment: Dependency updates

    Forum: I have a VB.Net windows form application using .Net 3.5 and VS2008. The solution consists of a single application exe, plus several dependent dll projects, and a deployment project to wrap all these together for distribution. As I am incrementing versions of all the projects, I am...