
  1. N

    Question Parsing a complete date

    I have dates from a data file that I need to parse. Here is an example of one of the dates and what I have so far: DateTime.ParseExact("2013-01-26T02:43:55+0000","yyyy-MM-dd\THH:mm:ss", As you can see, the date includes the timezone offset (the "+0000" part at the end). I am not sure how to...
  2. Z

    Resolved What is wrong with the following DateTime.ParseExact?

    Hi, I have a text string like this which I will need to parse: FriMar1200:00:00EST2010 And I used the following code: Date.ParseExact("FriMar1200:00:00EST2010", "dddMMMddHH:mm:sszzzyyyy", Nothing) And it is giving me a A first chance exception of type 'System.FormatException' occurred in...