ocr software development

  1. G

    Introducing new optional QR-Code barcode recognition Plugin

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE</SPAN> GdPicture release GdPicture.NET Toolkits V8.3 - Royalty-Free Document Imaging Toolkits</SPAN> Introducing </SPAN>new optional QR-Code barcode recognition Plugin</SPAN></SPAN> Toulouse, France – 29 September 2011, GdPicture, leading provider of comprehensive...
  2. S

    Add OCR Functionality in Web, Windows Applications & Web Services

    What is new in this release? Aspose is proud to expand its .NET products family with the addition of a new product; Aspose.OCR for .NET. Aspose.OCR is a .NET Character Recognition Component built to allow developers to add OCR functionality in their ASP .NET web applications, web services...