
  1. hpbhathiya

    Question SQL nonQuery execution error

    Dim cmd2 As New SqlCommand("INSERT INTO Passengers (FlightNo, TravelDate, FName, LName, Age, Gender, Class, SeatPref, MealPref, SSR, Status) VALUES ('" & flightNo & "','" & dateStr & "','" & fnametxt.Text & "','" & lnametxt.Text & "','" & agetxt.Text & "','" & genderdropdown.Text & "','" &...
  2. S

    CRM Software

    Hey guys, i am going to be designing a desktop based application (that will be used for Client Relationship Management) using Visual Studio 2005(pro ed) - .NET Framework 2.0 - and MSSQL as the database. Was just wondering if VB.NET is a suitable language to use for this application? Also, which...