
  1. Taiizor

    FYI .NET WinForms UI/UX Component Library

    Welcome to ReaLTaiizor ReaLTaiizor is a UI/UX component library. It allows you to make modern designs using the various components it offers. Usage Step 1:Add a reference to ReaLTaiizor or search for ReaLTaiizor on the NuGet; Install-Package ReaLTaiizor Step 2:Enjoy designing Examples...
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    Need Partner In Coding

    hey everybody. im making an application for a game to match up clans for fair battle (Clan Battle MatchMaker) and ive almost completed the whole gui interface and most of the coding. BUT im having a little bit of troubles with getting the email form to email me the information that i want. and i...
  4. Zed

    Coding a GUI creator

    As the title states I'm looking for information on coding a custom GUI creator. Basically, it should provide a grid (divided in to, say, 5x5 squares) and several 'objects' that can be placed upon it. Whatever design the user has created, is then stored as an xml in a specific hierarchy...
  5. A

    Question What is the best control (standard/custom) for displaying list of files?

    I'm developing a Desktop Search Engine in VB.NET and I'm looking for a powerful, flexible and feature-rich control for displaying the search results i.e. list of files.
  6. A

    Using Contextual menu & ASP.NET master pages with Aspose.Form

    What’s new in this release? This major release of Aspose.Form for .NET v 1.3 supports ASP.NET master pages and contextual menu for Repeating Section and Repeating Table. More about Aspose.Form for .NET Aspose.Form is a GUI based InfoPath management component that enables .NET web applications...
  7. A

    .NET 2.0 Medium Trust Security Level supported by Aspose.Grid

    What's New? In this major release, Aspose.Grid for .NET supports the following features. - GridWeb is now compiled under both 1.0 and 2.0 frameworks. - Fully supports .NET 2.0 framework. - Supports .NET 2.0 MEDIUM TRUST LEVEL. - Supports .NET 2.0 DataSourceControl Binding. - New Client Api...