
  1. CraftMuch

    Answered Best way to compare a string format?

    Say I have a string format "people(<no.people>)" and I want to compare another string "people(5)". If the string fits the format it will return true, otherwise it will return false. "people(5)" will return true "people(5243)" will return true "people(5)5" will return false "people" will return...
  2. T

    Question Inserting "/" using String.Format method

    Hi all, I've been doing a conversion from VB6 to VB.Net and i used the conversion wizard. stringVal = "200402" In VB6 code Format$(stringVal, "@@@@/@@/@@") after conversion wizard in VB.Net it is written VB6.Format(stringVal, "@@@@/@@/@@") it uses VB6 compatibility dll. my question is how...
  3. N

    Question Parsing a complete date

    I have dates from a data file that I need to parse. Here is an example of one of the dates and what I have so far: DateTime.ParseExact("2013-01-26T02:43:55+0000","yyyy-MM-dd\THH:mm:ss", As you can see, the date includes the timezone offset (the "+0000" part at the end). I am not sure how to...
  4. smith4595

    Question Text Box Formatting Question

    I'm relatively new to programming in VB.Net. I've dabbled in it before, but I'm trying to be more proactive at work and create some applications to make some of my work easier (and also help out our end-users). I've created a tool that will pull information about a computer such as username...
  5. cwnonthehill

    Question Filter DataGridView by string in format of MMddyyyy

    ok, guys, I have a SQL database with a column called "Date" but with a format of "nchar(8)" so examples of field data are... 12112012 01012013 02022013 etc... In VB i have a DGV that is databound to this sql table. So, my second column in the DGV is the same as what i have explained above...
  6. T

    Everything to Bitmap converter

    hi guys i'm making an app witch sends pics to my cellphone through a gateway and the only image format the gateway supports is Bitmap. Im getting my images through a Google image search API and a web client to download the images. the only formats i'm worried about is png gif and mabey some...
  7. A

    Question Custom formatting of decimal numbers

    I'm having a bit of an issue getting the number formatting of VB .NET 3.5 to work just right for me. I have to convert numbers to scientific notation, with 2 digits for the exponent and 6 digits after the decimal. I've been able to get this for numbers that have enough digits, but for other...
  8. C

    Question Inserting Dates into MSSQL DB

    Hello Guys I am trying to insert a date into a MSSQL database which is set to a DateTime field but it always inserts in at 01/01/1900 I am using a masked text box that is set to the short date mask. Any ideas? Also when I try to set a default date on a datetime field it will also insert as...
  9. newguy

    Format a string and strip the end...

    Hi all, I have the format(cdbl(something.text), "f") on some of my labels, these labels display answers from math equations, how do I trim the end if it is a zero? I have looked on-line but still confused to the setup. Example: 10.4 instead of 10.40, but leave a value that is 10.41 with two...