drag and drop

  1. Innww

    Resolved Drag & Drop uwp app to winforms for AUIMD

    I am trying to "Drag & Drop" icons from the Start Menu in windows 10 to get it's Target; Naturally this works with .lnk but when dealing with a UWP . FileName, FileNameW and FileDrop is always "Nothing" I can't figure this out. Is there a way to perhaps help me? I have tried everything I could...
  2. S

    Question how to detect mouse button state during DragDrop

    I am new to WPF and am having a few problems detecting whether the left or right button is pressed during a DragEnter event. I was expecting a MsgBox to appear but I get nothing. Thanks for any help XAML Code <Grid> <Button x:Name="btn1" Content="Button" HorizontalAlignment="Left"...
  3. E

    Question ListViewItem Drag & Drop With Group Header

    You'll find sample code to illustrate the problem below. Make a new Form in a VS 2013 WinForm Project, paste and run. I have 2 ListView controls and I have Drag & Drop working between the controls. Items can be moved from one control to the other. Items can be rearranged within the control as...
  4. N

    Question Drag Drop Files works in Visual Studio but fails in deployed version

    I have a windows application that can drag and drop files from File Explorer/Desktop into a listbox. It works fine in the Visual Studio Express 2013 environment in both debug and release builds. I have created an exe using Inno5 and when deployed as a stand-alone version - the drag and drop...
  5. HichamDotNet

    Question Drag multiple items from one listbox to another

    Hi, I've looked everywhere on the internet for multiple items drag&drop between listboxes and found only examples showing single item drag. I know how to make a single item dragdrop operation between two listboxes using MouseDown, DoDragDrop, DragEnter, DragDrop Now what I'm looking forward to...
  6. K

    Drag and Drop Cursor Width Limit?

    I'm having an issue with the size of the drag and drop 'text cursor' on my application. The code is very similar to this reference Microsoft Visual C#: Listboxes - drag drop & reorder ,Microsoft Visual C#. - msdn.itags.org Looking at the drawcursor sub, Sub drawcursor(ByVal text As String...
  7. D

    Controls with drag and drop functionality within a SplitContainer control

    Hi, I have a form that has a splitcontainer control on it with 2 panels. In the panel on the left I have placed a picturebox control. I have written code to allow the user to drag the picturebox control with the mouse button during runtime. This works fine, but I want to allow the user to...
  8. M

    Drag and Drop in datagridview

    Hi to all, I'm creating an application in which the form contains one datagridview and 20 pictureboxes. When the DGV is populated, the user will drag a row from DGV and drop in any one of the pictureboxes. The picturebox should able evaluate a column value(say column 1) from the dropping row...