data grid view

  1. RobertAlanGustafsonII

    Question How do I host an arbitrary custom control in a DataGridView cell?

    WHAT I HAVE: Visual Basic 2019, .NET Framwork 4.0+, WinForms MY ISSUE: I've read the help topic "How to: Host Controls in Windows Forms DataGridView Cells", which shows how to host a DateTimePicker control in a cell via having a class that derives from it and implements...
  2. A

    Changing DatSource of a combo box column of DataGridView dynamically

    I've a DataGridView based on PROD_PACKING table. The type of PARENT_PACK_ID column is changed to Combo Box. To populate its values I defined a custom query getPackings(product_id) inside the prod_packingTableAdapter that returns PACK_ID, PACK_TYPE based on PRODUCT_ID parameter. PACK_ID...