I am trying to pass 2 variables check in date and check out date from 2 different date time picker on a form. The goal is two calculate the number of day between the 2 dates.
Here is what I have so far:
From the form:
Public Class FormReservations
'Declare the new objects:
I am making a 2d side scrolling game and the basic idea is that you are flying arround with your character
and at the ground there are enemies shooting bullets to the top of the form. I made a class that makes the bullets from
a picturebox. This is how the class looks like:
Public class...
I will just leave a simple example of a linked list class.
Public Class Node
Public NextNode As Node
Public Val As String
End Class
Public Class List
Public FirstNode As Node
Public Sub Add(ByVal val As String)
'Add new node at the beginning of the list
I'm not sure if the title is very good, I'll explain.
Maybe I'm thinking about this too much, but lately I've been really trying to construct well designed classes and libraries.
Anyways, I'm trying to design a library which basically handles all of the communication to a particular database...
Hi i want to make a custom tabcontrol for my application can someone please show me an example of class programming this is what i have so far:
Imports System.Drawing.Drawing2D
Class MyTabControl
Inherits TabControl
please help me ASAP i havent done this before.
I've created a Form that allows a user to enter two numbers, one in each textbox. There is an add/subtract/multiply/divide button. The user then presses Save to save the equation, and Display to display the entire equation in the listbox, which can store up to ten equations. I am to use a class...
Hi all,
I have a problem that bother me and I wonder if I can get some sugestions here!
I have to build a dll which will expose some functions to users! I have to use for some of the functions parameters some guidance for users( like ENUM does), in order to remove inserting wrong data! ENUM is...
Hello Community,
this is my first time and my first question, so if I do something wrong please notify me.
I am trying to build a class with a date as optional parameter. If none is given the current date shall be assumed.
Since optional parameters require a default value I tried the...
I have several classes in my solution that depend on each other, so the classes need to be built in a certain order for the solution to work. How can I force one class to be built before it tries to build another? Thanks.
Hello people,
I wrote a class that helps me to validate entries on textboxes and comboboxes.
The constructor takes the control to be validated as parameter, so the class can handle some of its events.
Then, each Form declares so many instances of it as the number of controls that require...
Hello people,
I have a class which is constructed by a Sub New with parameters.
In this sub, these parameters are used to query a database in search of data that will define new class' properties.
Though unlikely, it may happen that the query returns no elements with such combination defines...
I want to create a control from UserControl, and then have another class or control inherit that. Basically, I want the following:
Public Class MyBaseClass : Inherits UserControl
Public Class MyControl : Inherits MyBaseClass
I am having trouble doing this, but I am not sure what I am missing...
I was playing with VB.Net yesterday using Visual Studio Express (VSE). I am trying to get a feel for the language. One thing that struck me was the fact that VB's entry point, Sub Main(), is written inside a Module, as opposed to inside a Class like in C#. At least that's how it appears in...
I am creating a WebService using the following:
<%@ WebService Language="vb" CodeBehind="~/MyWebService.asmx.vb" Class="myprojectname.MyWebService" %>
This works fine, except that it names the generated JavaScript class "myprojectname.MyWebService" (which is longer than I would like), but I...
Hai all
I have done developments using class module and property. I have done the deceleration as follows in VB6.
VB6 deceleration
Public BomMatList() As New MaterialList
After this deceleration i use BomMatList as array as follows...
I started as a part-timer in my current job(vb.net developer - windows forms) 6 months ago and now I'm stuck with a major problem...
My boss gave me the project he was working on, my problem there is: the project uses a submain as startup object which is located in a module, thy so the...
Hi all, thanks for any help in advance!
I have created a Class Library (dll) with a module and a class in it.
The module declares a structure, and an instance of this structure.
In the class, there is an arraylist declared.
My main program calls a function in the class library class. The...
Part ot my program is to simple copy a range of cells ~21 000 rows from one WB (oSH) and copy it to another WB (oSHOut).
I've red a lot of posts,tried a lot of variants, but nothing helps.
Strange here is that if I copy less than 8500 rows, the paste to the destination range is OK.
But if I...
Hello. Can you help me please
Public Class qqq
Public xxx as string
End Class
'This block form1
Public Class main
Public aaa() as qqq
Public Sub www()
redim aaa(3)
Dim bbb as qqq = new qqq
ccc=bbb.xxx 'Error Line
end sub
end class
Hi all,
I've been working with a lot of APIs from diferent products. Now that I'm building my own, I have a .... 'arquitecture issue'.
What I see in others and try to imitate is:
CoreAnimalEngine (a class that manages all. The collections of items and most important, all the activity to...
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