
  1. A

    Question convert image to base64 string

    Hi, Sorry if you don't understand what I'm saying but quite an amateur an VB.NET. I am trying to convert a TIFF image to a base 64 string. I have seen so much code on the internet like the one below, but I don't understand it :( I dont know what to change so it converts my image(s). Does...
  2. S

    Question Binary file to txt

    Hello, I have a Binary file that has data represented in 1604 bytes. each set of data within these groups is composed of short (2 byte) numbers. I would like to creat a program that takes this binary file then converts it to numbers, and then places it within a new text file. How would I...
  3. H

    Question Help Downloading Videos...

    I have created a simple downloader with, that downloads youtube videos. The downloading starts very good but it displays the following error when I downloaded 20.48 MB Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow. The code is written below: Private Sub BackgroundWorker1_DoWork(ByVal...