
  1. C

    WPF OpenFileDialog runs twice?

    Not sure what the issue is, I am working on a project in WPF, and have the following code for a OpenDB Button.click event handler: Private Sub OpenDB_Click(sender As Object, e As RoutedEventArgs) Handles OpenDB.Click 'Allows user to choose which DB to open Dim MyOFD As New...
  2. P

    Question Save dynamically created button permanently to the form.

    Public Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click 'some code Dim MyButton As New Button() With MyButton .Location = New Point(12, 12) .Size = New Size(75, 30) .TabIndex = 0 .Text = TextBox1.Text...
  3. P

    Question Control not working in a new child form as expected

    I am using the below code to open a new form: Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click Dim NewMDIChild As New mdgeneral 'Set the Parent Form of the Child window. NewMDIChild.MdiParent = Me 'Display the new form...
  4. A

    Question Make a button which will create a row of text boxes

    I tried the code pasted below but it does not seem to work in vb.net. However, this creates only one text box and not where I exactly want it to be. My objective here is to create 5 text boxes under the respective labels. There will then be a button which will take in all the text inputs...
  5. B

    Having one button set for refresh and stop

    I am making a web browser in visual basic and I am having a bit of trouble finding out how to make a single button do these two things. Now for more information I am working on a web browser and I plan to have a single button set so that the first time I click it it will refresh the...
  6. T

    Question How to change the picture of a button while it is clicked

    I have a button on my web browser, I want the picture to change while I am clicking it. I have no idea how to do this and would greatly appreciate if somebody could tell me how I go about making this happen.
  7. D

    Restart Button Question.

    I have a question that I have been wondering for a while now. What is the command to restart the program if there is one. It would be greatly appreciated if anyone answers with a solution to it :joyous: . Thanks Ahead Of Time, Derek
  8. B

    Question Timer Pause Resume

    I'm currently creating a program in Visual Studios 2008, What it does is their are online Json files like this one...
  9. B

    Question a Button on my program doesnt seem to funtion on another PC

    Hi all Ive created a program for work which is very plain and simple, a problem i have been having with it is that the OK button. the OK button deletes a key from registry and copies a pdf to the desktop and also creates a .txt file in a folder and as well closes the program. This seems to...
  10. P

    Question How to trigger clicked event on another button?

    On my webpage I have a button 'Export to Excel' which is a custom control (dll). When I click this button the export to excel is done. This works fine. In my layout I only use image buttons. So I want to use an image button with an Excel image to perform the export. I can't change the custom...
  11. D

    Question How to create a ControlArray instead of a non-working For-Function!?

    Hi everyone, first of all - I hope i posted in the right Forum. My Problem is, that I have some Buttons, Labels and TextBoxes I need to generate after the User told a number of Players. With the Code I'm using now only the last Player will have these Controls working, because they are moved -...
  12. D

    Question Creating add in buttons in Outlook 2007 using VSTO

    I have 2 VBA macro codes that runs well in Outlook 2007. 1.Search and replace text by clicking a button in Compose Mail Window 2.Search and replace text by clicking a button in Inbox Message Window As of now I have the macros working and I need to create an application file to...
  13. J

    Question Dynamic Buttons

    Hello All, I am new to the group, and this seems like an appropriate place for my question. I am creating a windows console app, with .net 3.5. I would like to be able to dynamically display buttons based on user need. As this is for dynamic research the number of buttons need to change...not...
  14. M

    Question Hoping to create a 'button' in a textbox.

    I'll try to be brief and yet clear about what I want to accomplish. My aim is to have a textbox in which a page of information is already written for the user to read. This box will have a vertical scrollbar, so I can't simply superimpose a button over the textbox. What I would like is to be...
  15. A

    Having problems executing another executable from Visual Basic... Help!

    So, I'm trying to make a program that has command buttons, each running a different file. I have added some files so far, but I encountered a problem with a couple of them. For example, I want to run Zuma's Revenge! right from the program, but it is not working. If I run the game from outside...
  16. A

    Question How to run a file from a CD if you don't know what the CD drive letter is?

    I'm creating a small program using Visual Basic 2010 Express. I'm planning to place the program on a CD, along with the files I want to run. The program will have command buttons, and each button will open a different file. For example, if there is a file on the CD named ReadMe.txt, the user...
  17. ChristinaSeay

    Question Creating a custom button and adding it to the toolbox...

    Hey guys, I've been at this one for days and I just can't seem to get it right. Basically, I designed the button control the way I want it to be... background image, font style, size, etc... and I want to add that button to my toolbox so I can reuse it. I'm not changing anything about how it...
  18. W

    Question buttons in MDI _ISSUE_

    VB.Net I have a button inside my MDI Form. when that button is clicked form2 will be load in mdi form, the problem is this, (see image below) Uploaded with ImageShack.us Button1 should be at the back of form2. How to do this? Please help... Thanks! Public Class Form1 Private Sub...
  19. K

    Disable Enter as button click

    Is there a way to prevent the Enter key from being interpreted as a button click. I am trapping key strokes at the form level but if a button has the focus and the ENTER key is pressed I cannot trap the enter because the button consumes it as a button click event. I am also unable to trap the...
  20. M

    button does nothing?

    Basically im new at VB, and i have a form with 10 designated slots for letter to be entered (Like the free letter spaces on hangman), above these are 10 adjacent labels with a full stop "." as the text value, now i have created a button, Q to detect whether there is a . in the first box, and if...