
  1. T

    Populate DataGridView With Multiple Arrays

    Hi again friends, So actually what I've been trying to do is practice collecting data from one of my temporary websites (more like a web page). I have added product details to this web page & was trying to practice parsing the data & then sending that data to either a listview or datagridview...
  2. S

    Facial recognition API with individual pixel tracking

    Hi guys! I was looking for an API that could specify whether a pixel is belonging to a face or not. Hopefully, it could also recognize nonhuman faces. And also the other basic functions (identify number of faces, tell the location of faces to can draw a rectangle around it etc). Preferred to be...
  3. A

    Question Building pyramid Calculation

    Hello, I am trying to build a calculation that adds up the values depending on the percentage value. So if someone has 120 % attainment he gets 5250 + 1150 , if he gets 140 %, he gets pier for 100% + 120 % + 140% and so on. Goal $115,000 Net Rev Attainment Additional Money Earned...
  4. hellohello1

    Question Putting cell values from excel columns into multiple arrays

    Hi, I'm new to so I hope you can give me some guidance. I am dealing with the data in excel using VS. Currently, I have problem trying to put my column data (starting from D column to x columns that user specified in textbox) into different arrays as I want to manipulate them...
  5. D

    Question Help with message encryption task, using an array

    Hi, So I've been trying to get through this task for awhile now, for my college work, and there's something that I'm not getting. Here is the task: Now here is my attempt, please forgive how ugly it looks, but it is the result of a lot of changing and testing: Module Module1 Sub Main()...
  6. L

    Question Arrays using IndexOf ?

    This is probably a really simple issue but i have search around and cant find an answer I have a structure set up and am using a varaible in the structure called "type" The array connected to the structure is called "data_Array()" All i want to do is do a IndexOf or Substring with this but...
  7. T

    Storing strings in arrays

    Hi, i'm a beginner programmer. I just learned about arrays and I have a question related to something i'm trying to do because the book I have does not cover how to do this. What I am attempting to do is build an application just for fun that will store what you type into a textbox into an array...
  8. G

    Question Creating pictureBox Array at run time

    I've poked around the internet and this forum and can't get a clear answer to this: I'm trying to get an array of pictureBox(es) to appear on the form. Nothing I try seems to work, so.. any help would be appreciated. I va esomething like this: Dim invaders(4) As PictureBox...
  9. M

    Question How to use multidimensional arrays

    Hey again guys! I've been working on an Ice Puzzle: you're a character (e.g. '*') in a grid (2D array) and you can move using the arrow keys - when you move, you keep going in that direction until you hit a surface. The aim is to pick up a key, which progresses you to the next level. There are...
  10. J

    Question Writing in text-file using 2 arrays

    hi there, I'm trying to solve a problem I'm having with writing in a text file using 2 arrays the first array is the normal text, line by line e.g. dim arrCode as string() arrcode(0) = "This is the first line" arrcode(1) = "The second line etc." now, the 2nd array would have to be...
  11. M

    Mulitdimensional array

    I am trying to create a report that will give me the area of multiple polygons on a layer. There will be an unknown number of layers and polygons. I was thinking I could use a multidimensional array with each row holding the layer name and the area of that polygon then loop through and separate...
  12. M

    game programming _ enemy copters

    Hey, guys I am creating a game in VB.NET as well for my sixthform course and i ve just started adding helicopters to the top of form. i have added one enemy copter which is working very well, but when i have no idea how to add 1. more enemy copters, make them move in the same direction, and...
  13. D

    Question Problem with move items of an array

    Hi, I have a problem with move items of an array according to a schema. This is the purpose of the code: arrayi= {1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5} Move items in the array to achieve this: arrayf= {1,2,3,4,5,5,1,2,3,4,4,5,1,2,3,3,4,5,1,2,2,3,4,5,1} So: 12345...
  14. T

    Question Linking Forms And Arrays

    Hey Guys, I am new to I am currently programming Space Invaders. Firstly i have two forms What is code for linking form 1 to form 2? Secondly i have coded and tried to understand arrays. I currently Have Private Sub tmrUFO_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As...
  15. C

    Question Class and Array Error

    Hello. Can you help me please Public Class qqq Public xxx as string End Class 'This block form1 Public Class main Public aaa() as qqq Public Sub www() redim aaa(3) Dim bbb as qqq = new qqq bbb=qqq(1) 'Error Line end sub end class Thanks.
  16. N

    Question Variable Issues

    I'm kind of a newbie so I apologize in advance. I am taking an Introduction to VB course and am attempting to work on my final project. It’s due in 6 weeks so I have some time, but have been having some problems. I have defined 5 variables T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 As Double and set them all = 0...
  17. P

    Question Searching Arrays

    Hi I am new to VB.NET and working with arrays. I need to create 4 parallel arrays which, when the user enters an ISBN number of a book then clicks the button, the arrays are searched and then use the ISBN number to locate the book name, publisher, and author. The code I have so far sets up the...
  18. Gorkfu

    Resolved Arrays with Option Strict On

    I am new to, I've only been messing with it for a few weeks. However I'm not new to coding, been an avid php coder for the last few years. Anyways on to my issue. :p I found some code written for VB6 for extracting text within tags. I took it and modified it for, not much was...
  19. J

    Single Tread Array Iteration

    Does anyone know how to do a single tread iteration. For example I have the following array: ("dog", "cat", "mouse", "bird") I need to go through the array in such a way that it picks up each object once through the first run and then return to the beginning again and pick up the first two...
  20. przerull

    Question Dynamic type of structure?

    Hi everyone. Impressive forum. Now I do believe that vb is statically typed but might there be a way for me to get around this problem. I have a structure called easyarray. I just wanted a data structure that could be easily worked with that could emulate an array but with adding and...