
  1. C

    Sort a multidimensional array

    Hi! I was looking for a function I need in internet but I didn't find it... I need to sort a multidimensional array(matrix).. for example Original matrix 1,b,3 2,c,5 3,a,1 I need a function, lets call it magic() xD with 2 arguments, the matrix and which col to sort first... so.. the result of...
  2. J

    Question Anagram Solver - Need Help Please!

    I am making an anagram solver. I have written a function to solve the anagram, with two parameters; "Anagram" (the scrambled string) and "Dictionary" (the arraylist of words). I am confused! Sometimes it solves it correctly, 99% of the time, it doesn't - im not sure where I have gone wrong...