Search results for query: *

  1. onepieceking

    Install .NET 2.0 Framework

    Hi, I have the CD installer for Visual Studio 2005 Pro. I just want to install .NET 2.0 framework in one of my PCs. Which is the installer for the framework in the CD?
  2. onepieceking

    Creating Folder in ASP.NET application

    Hi, I wish to create a folder in the web server's computer on the click of a button. When the user clicks the button, a folder (eg C:\ABC\Folder1) will be created. I have thought of using DirectoryInfo.Create to create the folder, but will there be any permission problems? The folder has...
  3. onepieceking

    File Open Dialog Box for ASP.NET

    Is it possible to create a file open dialog box for ASP.NET? The files are in the web server. I will parse the contents of the file in the ASP.
  4. onepieceking

    parent vs controls.add

    Supposed i have created a picturebox (pbox) dynamically and i want to put the picturebox into panel1. What is the difference between pbox.parent = panel1 and panel1.controls.add(pbox) Both seem to work.
  5. onepieceking

    sync Scrolling problem

    Hi, I have 2 panels that are horizontal scrollable and in these 2 panels, they each contains a picturebox. The pictureboxes are auto-sized, meaning that they can be bigger than the panels. What I want to do is when both panels display their scrollbars, I want to raise a scroll event, meaning...
  6. onepieceking

    One User at One Time

    Hi, Is there a way to limit only one user to be logged in an ASP.NET web application? Thanks in advance.
  7. onepieceking

    Send Different Structures using TcpClient and TcpListener

    Hi, I know how to send structures using the help of serializing the structure and sending it through the network stream. The client will send a serialized structure and the listener will listen the stream for that particular type of structure. It works this way. However, i have a problem...
  8. onepieceking

    UDP Sending and Receiving

    Hi, I need to send and receive structures using UDPClient. How do I go about doing it? I have done it using TCPClient and TCPListener. UDPClient does not have networkstream and I can't use the serialize or deserialize function of binaryformatter.
  9. onepieceking

    Deploying Web Application

    Hi, I need to know the way for deploying ASP.NET 1.1 (VS 2003) and ASP.NET 2.0 (VS 2005). Both web applications have code-behind files which I don't want to show them out. How do I go about doing it using the option of window installer? Thanks alot in advance. Your help is greatly...
  10. onepieceking

    Reading 4 bits

    Hi, I have a file stream and from which, i need to read its contents by 4 bits each time. I know if i use binaryreader, i can read a byte (8 bits). How can i read 4 bits at a time? Thanks in advance
  11. onepieceking

    joining bitmap

    Hi, Is there a way to join 2 bitmap files together and show it as a bitmap? Supposed there are BITMAP1 and BITMAP2. BITMAP2 has to be joined at the bottom of BITMAP2. Once joined, it will be saved and displayed out the finished product
  12. onepieceking

    Cache Problem

    I tried to prevent users from doing duplicate logins in my web application. I create a cache keyed by the user's userid upon login. During this period, if another person tries to login using the same userid, it will be stopped due to the cache. Upon logout, i will remove the cache so that the...
  13. onepieceking

    Email Address Finder

    Is there a way to extract all the email addresses from a POP3 server?
  14. onepieceking

    TRUNCATE and OleDbCommand

    Hi, Just to check. Is "TRUNCATE" usable in OleDbCommand? I am getting an error of invalid SQL statement when i execute this code Dim deletestr as string deletestr = "TRUNCATE TABLE [" + TableName + "]" Dim myCommand as OleDbCommand myCommand = New OleDbCommand(deletestr, myconn)...
  15. onepieceking

    Export database table to text file

    Hi, I would like to implement this. 1) There will be a button in my web page. 2) When clicked, it will export a particular MS Access database table to a text file. Please advise me. Thanks
  16. onepieceking

    Cache Problem

    Hi, I have 3 web forms, namely login.aspx, main.aspx and logoff.aspx. I have put "Response.Cache.SetCacheability(HttpCacheability.NoCache)" in Page_Load of login.aspx and main.aspx. When the user login from login.aspx, a session is set [Session("User")=true]. In main.aspx, it will check if...
  17. onepieceking

    Create D/B table on the fly

    Hi, I want to create a MS access database table on the fly using There will be 2 columns, one will store VarChar(20) and the other will store binary data. So do I create it with this? CREATE TABLE [TABLE1] ( [Data1] VarChar(20), [Data2] OLE Object ) Please advise me...
  18. onepieceking

    close child page

    Hi, I am facing a problem of not being able to close a browser window. 1) I have a web page (test1.aspx) that has 2 buttons (open and close). This web page also have a meta tag that refresh the page every 2 sec. 2) When I click on the "open" button, I will use a RegisterStartupScript...
  19. onepieceking

    Auto Refresh of browser

    Hi, Is there a way to do this? 1) The user clicks on a button (refresh) in the web form. 2) The browser will refresh itself at interval of 2 sec. 3) The user can stop the refresh by clicking on a "stop" button.
  20. onepieceking

    Socket in Window Application

    Hi, How do I create a server for a window application? I can create a console application and the console works good. But when I import my code into a window application, the whole application just hangs there. Public sub Form1_load(Byval sender as object, byval e as system.eventargs)...