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  1. V

    Pass object to create new thread with

    YES!!! I found out in my arrangemnet GRANDFATHER(MAIN UI MDI)->PARENT->CHILD, as long as I open the PARENT with .show() instead of show dialog, then the GRANDFATHER although I can not click on it, does properly update programically!! This would've been a nightmare if it did not, so thanks...
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    Pass object to create new thread with

    All processing IS done on a secondary thread. The issue is the main ui form visually changes where current call details are displayed and call status on the main mdi ui. So processing is done on a Seperate thread, BUT when any form opened on the main ui has a dialog showing it locks the...
  3. V

    Pass object to create new thread with

    See this thread it explains the predicament
  4. V

    Addownedform with form in different thread.

    The VoIP is being processed on a secondary thread that updates the main thread and updates call status information on the main form and launches secondary forms from main with call information. Neither of which process correctly if there is a dialog open on a grandchild form that was launched...
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    Pass object to create new thread with

    I want to open all my sub forms in a new thread. I litterally have hundreds, so I was hoping to pass the object type (frmmyform1) then it just creates a new thread of that object using Is it possible to pass the object type and have the thread dynamically create the new object...
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    Addownedform with form in different thread.

    I have an app that has 1 main form (mdi container) that had Hundreds of menu options each opens a sub form. Due to an issue I needed to recode the opening of these sub forms via creating a new thread for each one. Everything works fine except The main form no longer ownes these sub forms...
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    Socket read line by line...

    I was able to handle properly by using the streamreader. Dim clientSocket As New Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp) Dim serverEndPoint As New IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 5038) clientSocket.Connect(serverEndPoint)...
  8. V

    Socket read line by line...

    Ok, my concern is whether this is the correct approach. I am finally at a computer so maybe I can explain better. So my socket puts out the following data. Response: Success Message: Authentication accepted Event: FullyBooted Privilege: system,all Status: Fully Booted Response: Error...
  9. V

    Socket read line by line...

    Here is basically the code I'm using Imports System.Net Imports System.Net.Sockets Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions Imports System.Text Namespace AsteriskPrototype Class AppConsole <STAThread> _ Private Shared Sub Main(args As String()) Console.WriteLine("Quick and Dirty Asterisk...
  10. V

    Socket read line by line...

    Can you please point me to a sample. All I can find is stream related readline, not socket based.
  11. V

    Socket read line by line...

    I am using the socket class and using a traditional method of reading the socket by 1024 byte. This causes an issue as the app I am writing needs to monitor this socket line by line in sequence live to properly work So for instance I read from the socket Event:caller View state:6369...
  12. V

    Confusing problem works as stand-alone project, but not under 4.0 Framework

    Here is how is one way i can return the output. Any better? * * * * Dim oProcess As New Process() * * * * Dim oStartInfo As New ProcessStartInfo("ApplicationName.exe", "arguments") * * * * oStartInfo.UseShellExecute = False * * * * oStartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = True * * * *...
  13. V

    Confusing problem works as stand-alone project, but not under 4.0 Framework

    Both frameworks I believe are installed, it does run everything fine individually on each project. My only work around is I can write the 2.0 app as a standalone. console app and call it via a shell, but any good samples or ways to read that output from a console app that was called via a shell...
  14. V

    Confusing problem works as stand-alone project, but not under 4.0 Framework

    OK, so I have a project that has the following issues: Here is the setup VS 2010 Win 7 64 bit 1. I am using a compiled library that ONLY works win 7 64bit, using a 2.0 framework (Yeah, all others it does not run) The app runs fine as a console app and everything else as long as I use that...
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    XML parameter

    The issue was in the xml file. For whatever reason sql could not accept a xml string that had a DOCTYPE in it. Rather then passing the XML string in VB to a XML Column in sql, I had my stored procedure use a varchar type instead of XML. Once I had the XML in a varchar from within my procedure...
  16. V

    XML parameter

    I have a System.XML.XMLDOCUMENT and I'm looking to pass the xml as a parameter to sql. I created a dataaccess class, but I am getting invalid cast. So here's some sample code dim x as new system.xml.document x.load("C:\MyXML.xml") dim adapt as new...
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    MSXML2 Works, but SYSTEM.XML Does not!

    This is not a good practice, but I was able to get it to work by replaceing the namespace prior to loading. dim result as string = doc.xml result = Replace(result, " xmlns:xsi="""" xmlns:xsd=""""...
  18. V

    MSXML2 Works, but SYSTEM.XML Does not!

    Please see my edited response. It did work, it was a coding error on my part I'm sorry for the confusion. Is there anyway I can set the default namespace so I can do a doc.SelectSingleNode("//Contacts/Contact") and it will return properly?
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    MSXML2 Works, but SYSTEM.XML Does not!

    Your solution works dim doc as new system.xml.Xmldocument doc.Load("C:\Myxml.xml") Dim ns As New Xml.XmlNamespaceManager(doc.NameTable) ns.AddNamespace("pre", "") Dim firstContact As System.Xml.XmlNode =...
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    MSXML2 Works, but SYSTEM.XML Does not!

    I tried adding that, and it and it still doesn't seem to be working. Can you please provide an example using the doc I provided?