Search results for query: *

  1. J

    ORA-12162 TNS:net service name is incorrectly specified

    I am on .NET 2.0, using VS 2005. You must specify a provider in your connection string, or you get an error telling you to do so. I just forgot to update my profile....sorry.
  2. J

    ORA-12162 TNS:net service name is incorrectly specified

    Every file having to do with Oracle should be correct as is. They are installed as part of a package that is pushed out by our admins via Zenworks. Do you know why every ODBC connection I create on my machine would work, but this code would not? I kept thinking it was a connection string...
  3. J

    ORA-12162 TNS:net service name is incorrectly specified

    Also, if it's worth anything, I created a file on my desktop called "a.udl", put in the appropriate information, tested the connection, then took the connection string as it was. That connection was fine, as well as every ODBC connection I create and test on my machine. It just won't work in...
  4. J

    ORA-12162 TNS:net service name is incorrectly specified

    sqlnet.ora tnsnames.ora connection string
  5. J

    ORA-12162 TNS:net service name is incorrectly specified

    I've looked up information on this error, but I can't find any problems with my tnsnames.ora file. I even double checked with another machine that has the same client. What else could be causing this error when trying to open a connection? My connection string is good.
  6. J

    VB.NET 2005 Oracle ODBC connection problems

    I'm now getting. ORA-12162 TNS:net service name is incorrectly specified
  7. J

    VB.NET 2005 Oracle ODBC connection problems

    I'm having trouble making an ODBC connection using VB.NET 2005. I have tried nearly every connection string found on, in almost every format I can think of. I have tried both of the following drivers, as well. Oracle ODBC Driver (version Microsoft ODBC for...
  8. J

    Data Adapter resources?

    Where do you find this information? I have searched the web, but only found bits and pieces, detailing one small portion of what we've discussed here. I've checked MSDN as well, but generally only find the "basics" of whatever class I'm working with. I may be looking in the wrong places, I was...
  9. J

    Data Adapter resources?

    I take that back. While I have the UPDATE query setup, it is updating every row to reflect the one row I change, due to the fact that I do not have a WHERE clause. Now, I am updating a child table, with no unique identifier other than the primary key. If I had a way to query for this key (by...
  10. J

    Data Adapter resources?

    Thank you so much for all the time you've taken to help me out with this. I FINALLY got the Insert to work, but I can figure the others out on my own. I really appreciate it so much. Thank you!!!
  11. J

    Data Adapter resources?

    I get the idea behind it and have setup everything, but I'm getting a strange error. Dim myCommand As New SqlCommand("INSERT INTO " & currentTableError & " (ErrorCode,Description,StartTime,EndTime,Waiting) " & _ " VALUES...
  12. J

    Data Adapter resources?

    But it's hard to find them if you don't know what you're looking for...
  13. J

    Data Adapter resources?

    Seems that was exactly what I was looking for. Do you have any other resources?
  14. J

    Data Adapter resources?

    Alright, I finally got everything figured out EXCEPT the InsertCommand. It's telling me I need a valid one, but since I'm updating from the datagrid and not explicitly setting variables with values to add, I'm not quite sure how to format it... Any help?
  15. J

    Data Adapter resources?

    I don't really know what's going on. I declared the data adapter in a module, as Friend, as I do with all variables I absolutely need to be global. I can reference myDataAdapter and change the SelectCommand when clicking 5 different buttons within my program. Yet when I try to do anything to...
  16. J

    Data Adapter resources?

    I can set it up to use the same adapter. "currentTableError" is a dynamic variable. It holds the current table for errors. This table can change and I need a way to track that change, so I use this variable. It will always contain the name of the table I need to update. As for the variables I...
  17. J

    Data Adapter resources?

    I took it out when I was troubleshooting. Try Dim aConnection As SqlConnection aConnection = cdbConnect.Initialize() 'Counts the rows in the error table. DOES reflect changes made by the user. Dim i As Integer i...
  18. J

    Data Adapter resources?

    It's complaining about the object reference when I attempt to actually set the CommandText of the UpdateCommand. I don't "need" a SQLcommand. I generally create the data adapter with one because I'll fill the dataset from it, but in this case, I don't want to fill a dataset since I already have...
  19. J

    Data Adapter resources?

    I appreciate all the replies. I'm working on setting the commands, but running into a problem when trying to create my data adapter. Here's the code. When I try to set the commandtext properties after creating the adapter, it complains that I need to an instance of the object. Try...
  20. J

    Data Adapter resources?

    Sorry about not changing the should be alright now. I understand that when I bind a dataset to a datagrid, changes made to the grid are also made to the underlying dataset. What I don't understand is how to update the actual database with the updated dataset. I tried this code...