Search results for query: *

  1. J

    Snap Moveable buttons to each other

    I have movable buttons on my form. To move them you right-click and drag them. I however cannot figure out the best way to "snap" them together. If anyone has any ideas on how to do this it would make me happy. These buttons are created at runtime, if that makes a difference. Thanks Jimmy
  2. J

    See what window has focus

    Why was my last post of this deleted? I need to be able to see what window has focus. If i have two windows I need to be able to figure out which one has focus. Focus being "grayed out" in windows taskbar. Thanks Jimmy
  3. J

    form appear to scroll off the screen

    I have a timer set to 1ms. In this timer I have the following code: For i = 0 To loopin 'loopin is how many pixels per loop If Me.Width < xOrg Then 'xOrg is the forms width orginally Me.Width = Me.Width + 1 Else scrollIn.Enabled = False End If Next This, as you can see, makes...
  4. J

    drag file into Picturebox

    I want to be able to drag a .exe or some other executable file into a pictureBox. Get the files path and save it to a varible. Then set the pictureBox's image to the executable files image. I have no clue how to even start doing this.
  5. J

    Keep window from being minimized

    Simple question here, I hope. How can I keep a form from being minimized to taskbar? Also, how can I keep my form from being the the 'Alt+Tab' list. Thanks JimmyTheGreat
  6. J

    Why isn't this charcode working?

    Hi, i'm kinda new...well, not new but I forgot everything about that I learned in the past. But onto the problem. I'm using ChrW(11) to simulate the return key being pressed. Ex. main.Text = (Text1.Text + ChrW(11)) and I get (Text1.text) I searched for chrw(11) on google and it is that...